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Mend Pro Water Boiler

charging system up?

ecotec pro i cannot fill my radiators i can hear water running from boiler yet it wont fill rads

July 2012
check the pressure in the boiler it should be sitting at approx 1.5 bar. To fill your system, you will see under the boiler where the pipes are, one that you can connect a garden hose to. Ideally 2 people is now needed for the next part, One person stays by the boiler slowly filling it up, while a second person bleeds the air out of the radiators using a small square bleed key, (kinda like an old wind up clock key).At one end of the radiator at the top, one side is a valve the other side is a bleed point, get a rag and slowly undo that small square screw and air should piss out. Once the air has stopped water will come out, just screw it up again and move onto the next radiator. The person by the boiler doesnt want the pressur to go above approx 3 bar as a safty valve will open and start dumping the water you are trying to fill with, if this happens dont worry just turn your hose off and it will stop by itself when the pressure is at an acceptable level.Once youve been around all your radiators and the pressure is at approx 1.5 bar turn the boiler on for 10 minutes or so just to move the water round and then check the radiators for air again. It can take a bit of time to bleed the system perfectly but you wont know its running when your done.

July 2012
Look like boiler pressure relief valve faulty

July 2012
Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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