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Mend 4250 Document Laminators

Mend Office Appliances, Document Laminators
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Mend Office Appliances, Document Laminators
Mend repair fix 4250 document laminators

Mend > Document Laminators

Mend 4250

my 4250 laminator overheats/blows fuse?

laminator always worked fine....suddenly won't stop heating/melts everything/blows fuse...over and over

April 2012
thanks bob..... worked... so nice that you can talk to someone with knowledge on laminators...thanks saved the day!

April 2012
I would replace the fuse holder to see if that makes a difference, buy one rated for at least 15 amps and preferably 20 amps. use a microwave oven fuse, the ceramic type. if you call me I will drop a couple fuses and fuse holder, cost under 3 bucks, in the mail for free. billing for cheap stuff costs more than invoicing.

given you notice the machine heats fast it could be a bad main board:( or bad temp sensor transistor. normally the thermal fuse blows to prevent overheating. if your within 75 miles of pittsburgh i will give you a free on site no cost no obligation estimate. In any case fell free to call me, i have helped a bunch of people from here on the phone for FREE. Sometimes talking is better

bob haller service and sales pittsburgh pa 412 366 4906
April 2012
doesn't look toated at all... it seems the rollers continue to heat...we noticed when first turned on, the rollers heated with the green light on in less than 5 minutes....which we know, normally takes about 15 min. and would continue to heat, which caused the laminate on the rollers to melt together and on roller...big mess...then the fuse would finally pop... do you still think its the fuse holder....hate to see it go...great machine

April 2012
I fix all brands of roll laminators for a living. Are you CERTAIN the machine is really overheating?

I assume its blowing the main power fuse in the back left side by the power switch?

if thats the case no doubt the fuse holder itself is bad. they go high resistance and heat up as they age, which melts the fuse link even under normal current flow.

so begin by replacing the fuse holder assembly including the slide on spade terminals, which generally look toasted when this occurs. use a microwave oven fuse the ceramic type, which helps prevent future troubles.

bob haller service and sales pittsburgh pa 412 366 4906
April 2012
Mend Office Appliances, Document Laminators
Mend repair fix 4250 document laminators

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Mend Office Appliances, Document Laminators
Mend repair fix 4250 document laminators