I have had this machine since the early 70's new- its been a work horse- I have faithfully oiled it and now for some reason I cannot get it to stitch straight- I can only go in zig zag- the front dial (white knob) moves which we used to either make button holes or straight stitch moves- had repair person look at it said this is common on the 230 frozen- can't be fixed- can't believe that this old timer can't be fixed can anyone help me- PS I have sprayed the screw holding the knob with wd40 and can't get screw off.
Thanks Johan- will try to fix - do you mean the side panel where the needle goes up and down- by needle shaft? Or the top cover that shows all the mechinzems for all the fancy stiches? I'm senior lady- so I have to go slow figuring this out.
March 2012
if you put your mind to it and work with logic try this.open panel as to find the bar linking the knob to the needle bar.now its a matter of finding where the oil is needed to loosen the mechanism seperating zig zag motion from straight stitch.most times is a matter of putting effort to where work what.get back if you still stuck