Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Diagram Mower Switch

wiring diagram for yardmachines lawn mower?

I need a wiring diagram for the ignition switch. Mower will start but will not shut down

July 2006
I am no good at drawing wiring diagrams, but you just want to run a wire short circuting the terminals of the spark plug. One terminal is usually the body, the other usually clips on over the top. If you just run a wire from the body (make sure it makes good contact) to the top of the spark plug (or the lead coming of it) and put a switch in the middle, it should work. When the swtich is open the engine will (should!) run and when it is closed it (should) stop. Hope this helps.

February 2008
i had a mower that was to big and i took the engine off and put it on a smaller riding mower. its a 15 horse and i put it on a mower thats supposed to have a 12 horse on it. when i put it on, it cranked just fine, but iit wouldnt start. after a little investigation,i figured out that the cable that goes on the spark plug wasnt giving out any spark. under the black thing beside the engine magneto was a wire that hoked somewhere upp to the wowers wiring system. ive tried putting it everywhere i could, but it never gets spark. what should i do about it.

September 2006
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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