you will have to jack up rear and remove wheels and drums,sticking drum may be a bit tight but try and shock it off with a hammer and pry bar,get someone to operate h/brake and watch the lever that the cable is attached to,if it doesn`t fully return to its stop on the shoe it is either the h/brake cable seized or have had some levers on the shoe seized at the pivot point,while you are there may be worthwhile stripping off shoes and cleaning and lubing everything,remember and use proper brake grease,check adjusters are nice and free,check your wheel cyl`s are not leaking or sticking and apply grease to the back plate where the shoes contact,and lastly try and get a grinder and get rid of the lip on the outer edge of drum if there is one so you can accurately adjust up the shoes and the drum will come off a lot easier in the future. good luck
July 2010