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Mend Vokera Home Heating Systems

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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Vokera Water Pipe Front Hot

vokera flowmatic pressure at 3 water pouring out?

came home to water flowing out of pipe at front door - hot water. Pressure is at 3 bar. (had problems with it being too low 2 days ago! and I fiddled with a knob to get it back - was told about this by previous engineer). High pressure seems a bit scary? I've switched it all off and it appears to slowly be going down. Checked instruction leaflet that says I should call engineer? Is it fixing itself by leaking out that pipe or should i call someone? Any advice very welcome thanks!

December 2009
pressure drops when boiler cools and the escaping excess pressure is flowing outside. The flow to outside should stop when the boiler pressure drops to 3 bar. or there abouts.

however pop your heating back on and within a couple mins it'll be doing the same again as the system temp rises causing the system water to expand thus increasing pressure over 3 bar again triggering prv to open and protect the boiler.

let boiler cool, see what pressure is sitting at. ideally when system is cold you should have around 1 - 1.5 bar then during normal system expansion it should not really go over that cool setting plus a bar ie 1 bar cold to 2 bar hot. even that is a bit much of a rise but within tolerence.

to lower pressure use a container in a room where you dont have white carpets, tiled floor good place just in case and open a radiator bleed screw and catch the water. do that for a little bit and stop and go to check pressure reading. repeat til around 1 1/4 bar

hope thats as clear as mud, not the best at explaining things :)

December 2009
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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