Had similar problem with my Mynute 35e. In my case the ignition would go on and off every few seconds. When opening up the boiler one of the relays on the main PCB could be heard vibrating. This only happened when the boiler had been on for a while.
In my case it was the main PCB but I managed to fix it without buying a new board.
Don't try this unless you are confident handling PCBs and working around live mains. With the boiler running and the fault occurring use freeze spray on each chip, transistor and diode on the main PCB, slowly one at a time. When I got to the chip labelled SP2 the relay started behaving.
Got the data sheet for this chip from the internet, got an equivalent chip from RS components and now the boiler is working. Cost me 20p for the replacement chip.
In my case the chip on the Vokera PCB was CNY75GC and I replaced it with CNY174X. This is an opto-coupler.
June 2010