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Mend Anybody Me Install 3

can anybody help me install 3 devices ?

can anybody help me with this problem,I need to install a (1xDesktop Computer)(1x x-box live to be able to play games online)1xLaptop)these are in different rooms throughout the house and they need to be able to used at the same time at the moment the Desktop Computer is the main computer any help would be appreciated

Billy Badd
November 2009
I am afraid that your question is not clear.

There is no reason why they can't all be used at the same time but I suspect that there is something that you are not telling us. For example, you want then all connected to the Internet at the dame time?

If that is the case you need a router. If you had put a more detailed question, then I could have given a more detailed answer.

November 2009
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