Somewhat confused... but that doesn't stop me making a fool of myself...
You have a Virgin Wireless Router connected to a Coaxial Cable that delivers the internet signals to the router?
A wireless router can communicate wirelessly to a computer that's equipped with a wireless card and the associated driver software - this eliminates the need for an ethernet cable and lets you have the computer in any room in the house- wire-less-ly.
Do not worry about the speed of your local area (in your house) connection. Fast or slow it will nearly always be quicker than the other bottlenecks external (on the internet) to your house.
100Mbs Ethernet to computer
11Mbs Wirelessly or
54Mbs Wirelessly
Are all faster than the router box
2Mbs incoming (if you're lucky and even if they advertise up to 10Mbs)
0.2Mbs outgoing on a good day
The speed, therefore, is not limited by your local area connection.
Are you connecting to the router by cable or by wireless?
Navigate from Control Panel to Network Connections and see what's going on.
I think your best approach is to establish wireless connectivity between router and computer - leave the router where it is - dispense with the ethernet cable and move the computer where you will.
Good luck...
June 2009