Not so much an answer - Another question!: Our MC-E8023 suddenly but quietly died yesterday.
Post mortem checks showed filters clean and no blockages; continuity checked ok from wallplug to On/Off switch/PCB. PCB/motor interconnections ok. Motor appeared in good order (turned freely, commutator clean/cleaned, plenty of brush length left, etc.). PCB v/dirty but cleaned and fuse checked ok. Put back together again and machine worked brilliantly - for about 5 mins then died again exactly as before. Q1: Anybody got any suggestions? Q2: Is there a thermal switch in the motor? If yes -Is it the sleeved 'thing' connected between adjacent connector blades at the Blue wire connection point on the motor? What is their usual failure mode? Are they prone to operating too early and not re-setting when they become elderly?
Any contributions gratefully accepted
March 2011