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Mend Simpson Washing Machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Simpson Cycle Washing Pump

How can I fix the spin cycle on my Simpson Genesis washing machine?

The washing machine has stopped spinning. I have checked the pump, it works. Checked the brake solanoid, it works. Any other suggestions on what I might try. Machine is an old one, model number 0036A405P000. The machine seems to be making the right noises but the big bowl in the middle isnt turning round as I thought it probably should during the spin cycle. Very heavy wet washing is the end result. Hope you can help this rookie fix it yourself woman. Cheers

May 2009
I changed the motor on mine and that fixed it. The old motor did not have enough power to get going. If I turned it by hand to get it going, then it would work.

julian leach
June 2011
Hi, I hope you managed to find some help on your 12000. I have a 7000 and looking for any diagrams/manuals for it. Can you send me anything?

May 2009
When you put it on final spin & start machine you should hear the brake solenoid pull in with a loud clunk. Lift the lid & it will clunk again as it releases. After solenoid pulls in to release brake then motor will start. So if you can hear both the solenoid & the motor working then the problem must be with the belt slipping or the pulley not turning the gearbox & drum. Check also that you do not have machine set on drip dry. That switch should be on normal.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
May 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Simpson washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Simpson washing machines