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Mend Freezer Frost Red

Problems with my Iceline freezer?

I also have an Iceline frost free freezer which has been great. The problem I have is that the red light is permanently on and the food is still frozen except for a few thin items which have started to go soft. Do you have any idea what could be wrong and is it worth repairing, it is around 15 years old but I dont want to give up on it with it still freezing the food.

March 2009
Red light staying on

Alex Adams
October 2016
Ice line chest freezer orange light on won't freeze

October 2015
Need a manual to explain what super is orange light button

August 2015
Hi Ray, that was exremely helpful since I had the same problem with my Iceline freezer, and did what you advised and it seems now to be working properly. One point though is that the freezer never seems to stop - is that how it should be? Also is ice build up not due to some fault other than the causes you suggest - certainly we were guilty of overfilling..

February 2011

I'm sure you will find the element in the top of the freezer has frosted up. Look through the grill vents if you see white snow like frost it has. What will happen id that the circulation fan will stop operating due to frost build up and the cold air won't circulate properly.

You need to defost the freezer which is odd 'cos it's a frost free freezer.

the normal causes of this are, overfilling of the fridge. Blocking the air circulation ways that is the area underneath the bottom drawer and broken fronts to the shelf drawers.

I have to do mine about two times a year 'cos the wife overfills it and has broken half the plastic shelf fronts.

If you can't hear the fan circulating this is most lightly the problem.


Ray Proctor
May 2009
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