how can i fix the indicator relay on a vauxhall combo cdti van?
Please could you advise me where the indicator relay is on a vauxhall combo cdti van.One side of the indicators have gone off completely.All the bulbs have been replaced,and contacts cleaned.Please help?
If you stand at the front of the van facing the radiator you will notice a large black cover that is screwed down with about 8 torx screws to the right of the Battery compartment. Inside this cover is where you will find the yellow (double-box) indicator relay. Firstly you must remove carefully the windscreen trim then disconnect and remove the Battery, then unscrew and remove the black cover so that you can remove the relay.
Mr Critical of Vauxhall
May 2010
I can answer this question...
how can i fix the indicator relay on a vauxhall combo cdti van?