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Mend Expansion Tank Hot

expansion tank vent pipe overflowing?

i have an overflow pipe dripping at the back of my house. on investigation, there is hot water leaking into the expansion tank in the loft from the vent pipe on my Baxi boiler. any ideas on how to fix it or do i need to call a plumber?

Brian O'Connor
January 2008
ok hold tight, the reason why your vent pipe is running over is bad system pipework design or having the pump to high in the system (low head) which causes it to recirculate and introduce oxyegen which can cause corrosion. Forget that till you get a combi which does not need a tank! hurray, the problem is your water level is too high in the tank and when it gets hot it expands and overflows. Very carefully bend or adjust the ball valve arm down till water just above outlet pipe (bale out surplus water)

Dave Notrich- the honest Plumber (thats why i'm not rich)
January 2008
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Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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