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Mend Vectra

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We have 2753 questions about mending 'vectra'

How to mend ... Vectra

Mend speedo not working

speedo not working?

my gear box (f1-7)packed up i had a new gear box fitted on my astra cd 1.6 16v but the new box from a vectra d... [Read more]
Mend clutch air fluid

clutch bleading?

i have been on 3 days trying to blead the clutch on my vectra dti theres a little air and no fluid coming thru... [Read more]
Mend level check vauxhall

how do i fix coolent level check on vauxhall vectra 1999?

coolent level check keeps comin on my vauxhall vectra 2.0 sri ive changed the sensor the water tank is full ju... [Read more]
Mend rid warning light

How do I get rid of a warning light?

I have a 52 reg vectra (diesel) and when I first turn on the engine a car symbol with a spanner through it com... [Read more]
Mend rear wont release

New shape Vectra rear centre seatbelt wont release?

I have a 52 reg vectra and today we needed to use the centre rear seatbelt but it wouldn't slacken when i pull... [Read more]
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio

The ccr 2006 in my vectra c has died?

The ccr 2006 in my Vectra C has completely died,nothing comes up in centre information display screen,i've che... [Read more]
Mend cdr 2005 code

cdr 2005 siemens vdo need code gm330886636?

i have a stereo from a vectra ,cdr 2005 siemensvdo gm 330886636 i need the code , can anybody help ? john
Mend vectra close boot

vauxhall vectra tail gate latch wont ctch when i close it?

vauxhall vectra tail gate latch wont ctch when i close it every time i put boot down to shut it it doesnt catc... [Read more]
Mend replace side rear

how to replace near side rear glass on vectra?

how to replace near side rear glass on vectra plesae?
Mend change vauxhall vectra

brake servo?

hi how long will it take to change a brake servo on a vauxhall vectra 2.2sri, auto.
Mend 16 vauxhall vectra

is 1.6 stroke and bore same as 1.8 in vauxhall vectra?

Is the stroke and bore the same in a 1.6 Vauxhall Vectra as in a 1.8?so will the 1.8 fit in a 1.6 body? V REG
Mend Vehicles, Cars

wipers not sitting in park position on a vauxhall vectra 03 model ?

is there a reason wy my wipers dont sit properly and in working mode they bang downwards before they go up
Mend Vehicles, Cars

vectra 2.0dti 2000?

since changing my battery the power steerings gone,no fluid loss and the belts OK!! any ideas?
Mend window washer fuse

window washer on opel vectra?

looking for fuse for window washer on opel vectra
Mend rear brake drum

how does the rear brake drum come off on the vecra?

how do you get the brake drum off the vectra
Mend vectra heating fan

vauxall vectra over heating?

vauxall vectra over heating fan on raditor is working steaming into expantion tank
Mend vectra wont start

1996 vectra wont start?

1996 vectra wont start, will start after i leave it for 12 hours, have changed the fuel filter went ok for few... [Read more]
Mend vauxhall ls 16v

vauxhall vectra LS DTI 16v?

Diesel 1994cc orange light comes on in dashboard with car and spanner in front of it, what does it mean
Mend vauxhall vectra warning

vauxhall vectra c tdi 2003?

exhaust warning on replaced gas return valve and airflow meter. light still on and in crawler mode
Mend vectra high car

vectra 2.2 dti?

Hi, i have a 2.2 dti vectra. When the temp gets high, just before the fan kicks in, the spanner is displayed, ... [Read more]

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