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Mend Tv Blue Button

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We have 35 questions about mending 'tv blue button'

How to mend ... Tv Blue Button

Pages 21
Mend 42 tv power

lexsor wont turn on from standby?

42" lexsor pdp tv. power goes to tv. when i press the stand by control button it goes to blue and back to red ... [Read more]
Mend turn turning coming

Bush TV wont turn on?

My Bush TV wont turn on from standby. Previously it would take a few attempts to turn it on as it would keep t... [Read more]
Mend tv going blue changing


tv is not going on but blue standby button is on tried changing battries in remote and checked all cables and ... [Read more]
Mend tv stuck standby

tv stuck in standby?

technika 42 inch tv will not turn on out of standby mode or by using on off light on bright then w... [Read more]
Mend turn off green red

how do i turn off my tv flashinig green blue red?

my hdtv keeps flashing red blue and green, when i press any button nothing happens its an acoustic solutions 3... [Read more]
Mend tv control menu

How do I tune my Sony TV with RM-836 remote control?

Hi I have an old Sony Trinitron and cannot figure out how to tune it. When I click on the menu button I see f... [Read more]
Mend standby blue light

My TV will not come off of standby?? How do I fix this?

Hi, my Humax flat screen TV wont come off of standby....Usually there is a blue light in the bottom right hand... [Read more]
Mend time press button screen

TV guide not working?

Each time I press the TV guide button the screen goes blue and then it freezes and then it re-boots itself. A... [Read more]
Mend blue red left


Mend unlock buttons work

how can i unlock a logik TV set?

how can i unlock logik TV set when all the control buttons do not work except the power button and it is showi... [Read more]
Mend box main button


my digital box will not turn on by the main button on the box or by the remote? my friends is also doing the s... [Read more]
Mend rear projection screen

Can I fix my Thomson Scenium Rear Projection TV?

My Thomson Scenium Rear Projection 50" TV has no picture just a blue screen, the volume is there but no pictur... [Read more]
Mend menu button work

JVC tv model AV 32720?

Tv would not come on so i replaced c 926 the tv came back on but the menu button does not work and the screen ... [Read more]
Mend menu screen turn off

can't get a menu screen to turn off?

I have a Thomson Black Diva. I guess my 1 year old was playing with it. I thinks she might have hit a button... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

How can I fix my Samsung SP43W6 106"rear projection TVs focus?

The auto focus function does its job but somehow, when I play DVDs, it becomes out of focus with all blue,gree... [Read more]
Mend blue screen tv

Sanyo 25 inch stuck on blue video screen?

I have a 25 inch sanyo tv and my daughter turned it on one dya and it has been stuck on the blue video screen ... [Read more]
Mend bush tv work

bush tv. can not get digital programs to work?

bush idlcd32tv22hd tv. on setup digital and analogue channels loaded ok. now only analogue works.when switched... [Read more]
Mend tv remote power

How can i fix my Conia rear projection C5150?

My TV is a Conia rear projection C5150 I turned the TV off with the remote and it wouldn't turn back on, i tri... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

philips 55pp9401 tv?

I have a blue rainbow on my screen how do i get rid of this.I tried the intellisense button,no help.
Mend remote instructions time

How can I tune a Beko NR20212T tv with a remote, but no instructions!?

My new flatmate has a BEKO NR20212T tv. Last time it ws tuned, her ex did it. I've had a go at tuning it but s... [Read more]
Pages 21

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