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Mend Tv 4 Always

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We have 10402 questions about mending 'tv 4 always'

How to mend ... Tv 4 Always

Mend tv just working

my lg plasma tv just stoped working !!!?

i have a 32 inch lg plasma tv and out of the blue, it just stoped working, no sound was made nothing, it just ... [Read more]
Mend picture sound play

how do i fix my Sony smart engine SLV SE820?

my Sony smart engine SLV-SE820 has No picture but has sound when i play it on my tv
Mend onn tv stay stand

onn tv stay on stand by?

hi ive been trying for a while to repair my onn tv ive just got the caps that i needed but there is a metal co... [Read more]
Mend remove metal power

how to remove the caps from under the metal cover on the onn lcd tv?

hi i have been trying for a while to remove the 2 caps from the power pack .but there is a cover over them and... [Read more]
Mend tv good sound

beko tv model no. 14272tdk?

good picture but not any sound
Mend going shut day

when I turn on my tv it just keeps going off and on?

I turn on my tv and then it will continue to shut off and on all day it just keeps doing that
Mend help plasma screen picture

help! my son has sprayed air freshner on my plasma tv!?

Help my 4 year old son has sprayed air freshner on my plasma tv, the screen has no picture its a white screen!... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

jvc hd-52fa97 2005 no picture?

my jvc hd-52fa97 that i baught in 2005, my tv turns on but the picture doesnt show up, what could the problem?... [Read more]
Mend tuning tv tune

tuning a sony trinitron tv?

how do i tune a sony trinitron tv
Mend tv stuck standby

Omni tv stuck in standby mode?

How do I get my Omni Tv out of standby mode
Mend tv digital channels

how do i tune into lg37lc2dbec?

I have had my tv stored for a year. I tried to tune it in yesterday and it can't find and digital channels au... [Read more]
Mend freeview tv watch

New freeview tv, all channels but no channel 4?

My Nan got a new tv fitted a month ago. She doesn't watch channel 4 but happened to flick over 2 weeks ago to ... [Read more]
Mend 32 years turn

how can i fix my 32inch lcd accoustic tv?

had my 32 inch accoustic solution tv for 2 years but never really used it now when i turn it on it just keeps ... [Read more]
Mend Video, DVD Players

setup Guide Plus+System?

Equip : LG TV model 32LT75 Sony RDR HXD870 recorder BT vision box I had the guide p... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

how to fix my thomson prejection tv?

my thomson 44'' prejection tv--- the on/off switch is playing up, can i change it myself? if so where can i ge... [Read more]
Mend power light tv

my tevion tpdp42hp but no picture power light is on but no picture?

my tevion tpdp42hp plasma tv has power light but no picture
Mend dvd disc player

How to eject a DVD stuck in my Westinghouse LCD/DVD combo TV?

I have a disc stuck in my DVD player that is integrated with my Westinghouse LCD TV Model # SK-26H570D
Mend tv model picture

"I have a sony trinitron tv model kv-32fs13 and the picture is turning gree?

"I have a sony trinitron tv model kv-32fs13 and the picture is turning green and has some lines in it. Any ide... [Read more]
Mend wondered problem tv

HITACHI 42PD7200 faulty on/off switch?

Hi there, just wondered if anyone has had a new on/off switch for their 42PD7200, ian mentioned above he had s... [Read more]
Mend red led turn

my alba freeview recorderALDTR 160 is stuck in standby?

when plugged in a red led shows which should turn green when out of standby, allowing the tv to show the progr... [Read more]

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