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Mend Presario

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We have 149 questions about mending 'presario'

How to mend ... Presario

Pages 87654
Mend compaq presario laptop

How can I change the cracked screen on my compaq presario CQ56?

How can I change the cracked screen on my compaq presario CQ56 laptop. Is it difficult.
Mend not responding time

why do i get page not responding all the time?

i have a compaq presario cq60, it is a year old and it is so slow,when i switch it on it takes 20 mins to load... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

how do i get the voice back?

my computer a compaq presario has lost its voice and i can't hear anything. How do fix this?
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

New processor?

Ok, my question is this. My Compaq Presario CQ50 110-EM, has 3 GB of RAM and i want to upgrade it to more, b... [Read more]
Mend wireless laptop seriously internet

How to fix the wireless on my laptop?

Well, I dropped my laptop about two feet, and thankfully it didn't really break seriously, but I can't get it ... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

brand new Compaq touchpad keeps freezing?

I just got a new Compaq Presario CQ56 and the touch pad keeps freezing up and the coursor won't move or is ver... [Read more]
Mend laptop screen turn

Laptop freezing on log in screen?? Hp compaq presario cq60?

When I turn on my laptop and it loads up the screen where I normally enter my password, my keyboard wont work ... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

upgrade processor?

can i upgrade my processor on a compaq presario 5000 series
Mend compaq presario c500

compaq presario c500 notebook?

compaq presario c500 does not detect my printer
Mend lcd tv pc

lcd tv to pc?

trying to connect presario compaq cq56 to lcd tv pc has vga port tv has dvi used vga to dvi adapter still no s... [Read more]
Mend turn lights flicker

how can i fix my compaq presario c300?

my laptop wont turn on the power lights flicker sometimes the screen comes on for a few seconds then it turns ... [Read more]
Mend hello snapped spring

eject button atop Hard disk?

hello, this eject thing snapped , spring and stuff came out,brass colored small metal things...then when i reb... [Read more]
Mend light turns power

desktop pc light turns on wont turn off and no signal?

compaq presario pc sr5404f power light comes but wont turn off and no signal to moniter
Mend laptop screen compaq

how can i fix my laptop screen[hawlett packard}laptop?

my laptop screen picture is stuck upside down.hawlett packard, compaq, windows vista,presario c700
Mend cd drive working

how can i fix my cd drive?

my cd drive is not working. Compaq laptop,Presario V5000
Mend charging battery long

charging battery?

when and how long should i charge my battery on my hp compaq presario cq62 laptop. If i am sitting near an ele... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

how to fix wireless connection compaq prosario?

How can I turn on the wireless connection which turned off after a reboot on my compaq presario lap top
Mend laptop compaq presario

laptop won`t power up?

hi i have an old compaq presario 700 laptop that has never powered up it charges but when you switch it on ju... [Read more]
Mend help need work

help I need this for work?

I have an old compaq presario series 3297 desktop comp.but it wont boot up as soon as i turn it on the compaq ... [Read more]
Mend reboot reboot again

my laptop is comming on intermitently reboot stop reboot again?

my hp compac presario is comming on intrmitently it will reboot stop reboot again to come on or never to come... [Read more]
Pages 87654

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