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Mend Ok Gone Black S

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How to mend ... Ok Gone Black S

Mend Office Appliances, Fax Machines

Our Brother Intellifax 3800 when it's making large black lines on the paper?

What can I do to fix this? We replaced the toner cartridge and had no affect on the problem. It is a Brother... [Read more]
Mend dryer marks clothes

creda tumbler dryer leaves black marks on clothes?

Creda tumble dryer leaves black marks on clothes. I think clothes areigetting caught in rim of circular openi... [Read more]
Mend fan oven element

how can i fix my belling fusion 136 electric fan oven?

when i switch the main (fan) oven on, the fan starts but the element does not heat. i noticed the red neon ind... [Read more]
Mend black decker hedge trimmer

how can i fix my black & decker hedge trimmer?

i've cut the cord accidentley, i've tried to fix it by puting the wires back together but still no power mo... [Read more]
Mend screen black works

How can I fix my Dell laptop screen?

The screen of my laptop turn black one day. I can plug another monitor in it and it works. Could anybody tell ... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

How can I return my desktop to normal?

I got an e-mail it would not open so I tried to download it onto my desktop. Now I have a big black space on ... [Read more]
Mend shower moved house

How can I remove sealant from shower?

Moved into a student house. One of the showers is a bit grubby - the sealer all around the bottom of the show... [Read more]
Mend files drive turn

How can I boot my e-machine T4150?

Before my son gave me his old e-machine, he tried to erase all of his personal files. In doing so, he erase ev... [Read more]
Mend couple days ago

What's up with my "Blomberg" fridge/freezer?

I have a Blomberg (FFN6248) no, not one of the dodgy few, I've had it for 13 years and not one problem. A coup... [Read more]
Mend electric hedge blades

Broken Black&Decker Electric Hedge cutter?

I hit a piece of metal and now the blades will not move. It's my Dad's and he told me NOT TO BREAK IT. HELP!!!... [Read more]
Mend two way switch

two way switch?

i have two light one has a red and green cable the other has red green and black how do i wire them in to a do... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

how can i fix errors 00173, 00301, 08611, 001163?

When i turn on my thinkpad 600e, this writing appears on a black screen : ' 130496 KB OK 161 8611 ... [Read more]
Mend wire come off

on my tumlel dryers the wire as come off?

on the tumble dryers all the wire as come off at the back of the dryer and it is colour code on it and i dont ... [Read more]
Mend model few years

Model ? Few years old.....gone pop?

Typical that whhen my hubby goes away my TV decided to go, the screen went black with a white flash initially ... [Read more]
Mend channels screen black

How can I fix the freeview in my philips TV 28DW6559-05?

My Philips TV is just over a year old. Every so often when I am on particular freeview channels the screen goe... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

How can I fix it?

I got a portable DVD- Ferguson LDVD200 7" DVD (051530). When I played a dvd, it could load, but the screen wa... [Read more]
Mend crack across screen

how can i fix a crack across my screen?

black mp3 player, iitronics,brilliant sound,lights up differant coulours when turned on any sound like jazz, b... [Read more]
Mend washing machine removed

My washing machine won't drain?

Frigidaire Washing Machine, my washer won't drain and I removed two black hoses from the water pump and remove... [Read more]
Mend ford power lot

1999 ford transit diesil 2.5?

no power up hill empty and troughing out a lot of black smoke
Mend Computers, Computer Hardware

how can i fix my mp3 to be an mp4?

I want to know how to replace an mp3 black and white screen with a colour one so that I can have an mp3 for a ... [Read more]

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