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Mend Model Screen Tv

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How to mend ... Model Screen Tv

Pages 54321
Mend model great wrong

How can I fix my Sony Rear Projection Tv.. model # kp-53s35?

The tv is in great shape, but there is something wrong with the power supply. When I turn it on, the screen co... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

I have a philips magnavox tv, model # TS2746 C221, Manu FEB 01?

When I turn on the tv, the screen is light blue in color with white horizontal lines, after a few seconds it s... [Read more]
Mend model 32 television

how can i fix my sony trinitron model num kv-27522 32" television?

i have dropped my 32" sony television on the pavement and now when it powers up it displays a rainbow effect. ... [Read more]
Mend 42 hd tv

how can i fix my "42" Philips HD projection tv model#46PP93 0217?

my telivision's color has gone haywire. On the left side of my screen the color red seems to have stretched le... [Read more]
Mend tv shuts turn

TV shuts Off; this time we can't turn it on again!!?

Hi, my tv was recently repaired, costing about $300 in all. The guy took the inside of the t.v. to his worksho... [Read more]
Mend buy new screen

Can I buy a new screen?

Can I buy or have repaired a new screen for my Logik TV Model NO. LCXW30NN6
Mend samsung tv vertical

Need Value of part L301 on Model TXE2746 Samsung tv?

I am looking for part or value of part so I can get another one .Replaced vertical IC but L301 is burnt bad. A... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

Goodmans TV Program In Channels?

How do I program in the channels on my Goodmans TV? The TV is Model UGOFL45M13X300 and Chassis FP02002 and is... [Read more]
Mend parts replace buy

Mitsubishi TV parts?

The lamp on my Mitsubishi TV has went out after only about 6 months from when I bought it. Can I replace it m... [Read more]
Mend third model suddenly

Why is my picture only 1 third of the screen size?

The picture on my Goodmans Matrix Model GTV69W3VPL has suddenly reduced in size to the middle third of the scr... [Read more]
Mend may wrong tv

What may be wrong with my tv?

My 27 inch Philips Magnavox color TV turns on with sound and will stay on but instead of a picture it has a ra... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

Diagnose Repair of Toshiba Model 57H81 53" HD Projection TV?

After 3.5 years the screen on the rear projection TV went Black. I've verified that power is available as a r... [Read more]
Mend mitsubishi works screen

mitsubishi bigscreen model no. vs-5072?

the tv works great accept when you first turn it on the screen rolls for about 15 minutes before it will work ... [Read more]
Mend television tv model

how can I fix my Hitachi 28c46tn television?

I have a Hitachi std tv model no 28c46tn. The model no. (C46TN) has appeared on the screen and won't go away. ... [Read more]
Mend problem screen corner

transonic tv???

I've got the exact same problem as Paul. The screen is blue and there is a red padlock in the corner of my tra... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

How can I fix my Mitsubishi TV Model No. CS-2715R?

When powered on, I hear a ticking sound, like a relay or contact opening and closing. Screen remains black an... [Read more]
Mend sony trinitron model

Repairing Sony Trinitron Model# KV32S40 32" screen?

Hello and Thanks you your input on this matter. I have A 32" Sony trinitron TV that is about 8yrs old. Just th... [Read more]
Mend tv screen black white model

Sharp 27 inch tv screen goes to black with a white line across?

I have a 27 inch sharp tv (Model 27G-S100) which I rarely used, but now when I turn it on it goes to black wit... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

Display list will not stop scrolling across screen.... HELP!?

I have an 1989 LXI/SEARS 32" monitor, part # 564-42986950. The demo of the tv's features constantly scrolls a... [Read more]
Mend screen sony trinitron

screen goes black randomly on sony trinitron?

i have a sony trinitron model number kv-x2521u and the image just randomly cuts out but the sound still works ... [Read more]
Pages 54321

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