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Mend Got Somebody Guide Me

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Mend problem player model

problem with tv+dvd player?

make is Thomson TV+DVD Digital Terrestrial receiver model no=DTI6300-16. this last week I've not been able to... [Read more]
Mend thomson dti 6021 dtr

thomson dti 6021 dtr?

Synopsis recently stopped working. Used set up to change from 14 day guide to 8 day and it came back. But now ... [Read more]
Mend guide showing programme

Quick guide bush btu250dtr?

Quick guide keeps showing blank or when it's on not changing with programme showing?
Mend appear tv unable

how to fix?

Synopsis text does not appear in tv guide or pop up at all so I am unable to record, everything else seems ok
Mend Video, DTT Receivers

Quick guide problem on bush btu250dtr?

Got guide back on thanks to your info regarding changing 14day to 8 day recording, now the quick guide keeps s... [Read more]
Mend back its gone

how do i get the tv guide back its gone ?

my Thompson dt16300 will not display tv information on the tv guide can anyone help ?STEVE
Mend quick not time

Quick guide not showing correct time?

I have recently changed the guide time to 8 days from 14 days as per instruction because we lost guide info it... [Read more]
Mend appear tv guide record

bush btu160dtr?

Synopsis text does not appear in tv guide or pop up at all so I am unable to record, everything else seems ok
Mend tv screen blank model

TV guide not displaying on screen so cant record a programme?

Normally I go to TV guide to record a programme but it cant be done as the screen is blank. The model is Thom... [Read more]
Mend tv top box

how to get listing and tv guide back?

I have no listing or tv guide on my thompson top up tv box
Mend thomson box third

how do I get the guide and synopsis view on my thomson box?

how do I reset my Thomson box third one bought from comet and guess what COMET are not trading anymore the pro... [Read more]
Mend guide lost program

No guide data or synopsis available Thomson dvb 250?

I have suddenly lost my program guide and it says undefined, no guide data and no synopsis available, but the ... [Read more]
Mend dt16300 tv recorder

Thomson DT16300 Digital TV Recorder loss of program guide?

Got no info available or synopsis on programme guide. Tried switching on and off and also, as in manual, leavi... [Read more]
Mend thomson freeview box

how can i fix my thomson freeview box?

the programme guide is not displaying so unable to record
Mend programme guide box

my programme guide is empty?

my freeview box which is a bush btu160dtr programme guide is empty
Mend top stopped process

Missing programmes?

I have a Bush BTU250DTR with Top Up TV which has stopped listing programmes. Can you talk me through the pr... [Read more]
Mend thomson digital recorder

thomson digital recorder?

i filled the library up with various series however as soon as it told me delete some of the progs on it i did... [Read more]
Mend tv guide showing

TV guide and programme info not showing?

TV guide and synopsis not showing, also can't access programme library. Have tried rebooting and scanning for... [Read more]
Mend tv guide not showing

tv guide not showing?

tv guide not showing
Mend tv guide not showing

TV guide not showing?

We are unable to record on our Thomson 250 recorder as the guide is no longer downloading. Rescanning has not ... [Read more]

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