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Mend Firebird

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We have 166 questions about mending 'firebird'

How to mend ... Firebird

Pages 54321
Mend whilst power switched

Firebird outdoor oil boiler?

I ran out of oil whilst the boiler was on. The power was on to the boiler overnight before it was switched of... [Read more]
Mend boiler starting running

not firing?

my boiler is starting but when the fire startes it only lastes 2 seconds but the boiler stayes running it is... [Read more]
Mend 120 coming out

firebird 120 coming on then cutting out?

my boiler firebird 120 comes on as normal runs for about half an hour then starts to act up, trying to come on... [Read more]
Mend super boiler going

Firebird Super Q 50/90 boiler is air locked. how can i fix it?

my Firebird Super Q 50/90 is "air locked" How do I get it going
Mend combi hot water radiators

My firebird oil combi boiler is boiling the hot water and radiators?

I' ve recently had firebird 90 combi oil boiler serviced and the hot water out the tap is boiling hot and you ... [Read more]
Mend problem oil days

How can I fix Firebird 120 boiler problem?

Have Firebird 120 oil fired boiler installed new in 2003. It has worked for a few days at a time recently and... [Read more]
Mend boiler spare parts

boiler spare parts needed?

I have a firebird 50/70 boiler in the shed on the top under the removeable plate is a heat resitance mat which... [Read more]
Mend firebird 90 oil

How do I bleed my 'Firebird 90 Popular' Oil Fired Boiler?

Hi - I just got a fill of oil after my oil ran out. When the guy came to put the oil in, he offered to 'bleed'... [Read more]
Mend boiler loosing water

my firebird combi 90 oil boiler ?

My firebird combie 90 oil boiler keeps loosing presser and also keeps lossing water from the boiler i do not h... [Read more]
Mend boiler oil smell

how can i fix my firebird boiler (super Q 50/90)?

it has been giving off a strong oil smell since we ran out of oil and had a lock out we were able to restart t... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

what do i need to change to go from r-12 to r-134?

what do i need to change to go from r-12 to r-134 on my 88 pontiac firebird 305 tuned port inj and what all is... [Read more]
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems


Just installed firebird 90 which I got from a friend which was just serviced before we removed it from his hou... [Read more]
Mend work system start

how can i fix my 1994 pontiac firebird?

my key doesent work my secucurity system any more . car wont start. how can i bypass sercurity system
Mend running fine fire

how can i fix my firebird 50-70 olympic s boiler?

Was running fine until ran out of oil and now won't fire up
Mend Vehicles, Cars

Swap '95 3.4L V6 for 3.8L V6?

Hello. I have a 1995 Pontiac Firebird (not Formula or Trans AM) with an automatic trans and a 3.4L V6 (160 hp... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

how can i fix my heater core on 91 pontiac firebired?

I need step by step directions on how to replace the heater core on a 1991 pontiac firebird, 5.0 litre, five ... [Read more]
Mend rear brakes brake

how do I change the rear brakes on a 1997 Pontiac Firebird?

The emergency brake cable seems to be in the way.
Mend clicking battery engine

Clicking sound when connecting battery to a 1992 firebird?

There is a clicking sound on the left side of engine when neg battery terminal is connected. Battery was dead ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

How can I repair my 91 Firebirds cold hesitation?

My 1991 Pontiac firebird is due for an emissins test. It has been hesitating on acceleration at low speed onl... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

how do i fix the key thing, ignition on a 79 firebird?

the key thing came out of the steering colum and is a b*tch to put back in. it would go back in. it did before... [Read more]
Pages 54321

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