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Mend Cdr 2005 Help

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How to mend ... Cdr 2005 Help

Mend radio code required

radio code required?

i have a salvage radio/cd player for my vauxhall corsa 2004.There is no code with it.The unit is marked on the... [Read more]
Mend cdr vdo radio

how to fix my cdr 2005 siemens vdo radio?

I have a siemens vdo 2005 radio got the manual but no reference to my problem. the display unit is dead all th... [Read more]
Mend stereo bought code

how to decode my car stereo?

ive just bought an opel aglia 2001 and im looking for the code for the stereo its a CDR 2005 siemens VDO unit ... [Read more]
Mend cdr 2005 help

hi there can i get code for siemens vdo?

hi i have a vectra c with a siemens vdo cdr 2005 ( E ) cant find a code on the net need help please gm020532... [Read more]
Mend vectra stereo vauxhall

vectra stereo not working/safe mode?

i own a vauxhall vectra 2003 diesel, stereo (cdr 2005) this morning i disconected the battery,, when i conecte... [Read more]
Mend radio code help vauxhall

unlock car radio code?

hi can u help me please to unlock code for vauxhall radio CDR 2005 sn/ 020543203172
Mend lost help vectra

lost code?

please help me,i lost code for opel vectra 2003... Siemens VDO 330886636 NO:24441224 TYPE:CDR 2005 (E) GM0... [Read more]
Mend code told friend

missing the code for CDR 2005 (e) of an Opel Corsa?

Hello again, I told a friend of mine about my good expierence and he asked, whether I can asked for a code fo... [Read more]
Mend car radio code

car radio code?

can someone help with the radio code of my car Siemens VDO CDR 2005 Serial: GM020543248065 thanks
Mend cdr 2005 code

cdr 2005 siemens vdo need code gm330886636?

i have a stereo from a vectra ,cdr 2005 siemensvdo gm 330886636 i need the code , can anybody help ? john
Mend 2005 vauxhall corsa

How to obtain a new "ariel in" socket for my CDR 2005 VDO (Vauxhall Corsa)?

I have acidentally damaged my ariel (FM?) in socket at the back of the above head unit by attempting to force ... [Read more]
Mend please help me

please help me?

Mend cdr radio vectra

testing a cdr 2005 vauxhall radio?

i have a cdr 2005 vauxhall radio for sale and i need to test it before it goes on ebay,it,s out of a 2002 vect... [Read more]
Mend code flat radio help

Code for cdr 2005?

I have a Opel (vx) Signum!!! Battery went flat and need a radio code??/ Can u help please!?
Mend code cdr help

i need a code for my cdr 2005 ?

can anyone help me i need a code for a siemens vdo cdr 2005 ser/No gm020532778192.i got a car pass when i got ... [Read more]
Mend radio code 330886636

radio code for 330886636?

hi can anyone help?? i am after the radio for my vectra VDO 330886636 NO. 24 441 224 TYPE CDR 2005... [Read more]
Mend fm stations help

CDR 2005 siemens VDO?

I have lost the FM stations and the programmed stations, have tried to get them but need help if anyone can pl... [Read more]
Mend cdr vdo safe

2001 Corsa, CDR 2005 VDO CD/Radio is showing error code SAFE. How to fix?

I have vauxhall corsa 2001 1.2 Comfort. It has a built in CD/Radio (CDR 2005 VDO). It is powering on but not d... [Read more]

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