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Mend Aurora

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We have 76 questions about mending 'aurora'

How to mend ... Aurora

Pages 4321
Mend shredder turn apart

How can i fix my shredder?

I have aurora AS702MX it won't turn on. I don't see any screws on the bottom so how can i take it apart
Mend switch worth fixing

Aurora as1019cs?

The off and on switch broke on my Aurora AS1019CS Where can I get it fix or is it even worth fixing
Mend paper shredder gears


i have a aurora paper shredder model AS1019CS i need the small diameter bushings for the plastic gears. Can an... [Read more]
Mend running making loud noise

Running slow making loud noise?

My Aurora shredder is running so slow, I sprayed some lubricant on it and it's still slow and now running loud... [Read more]
Mend reverse forward paper

aurora as1018cd?

It runs in reverse and light comes on in Automatic (forward) but shredder will not run forward to cut paper.
Mend replacement plastic gear

Replacement Plastic Gear ?

Can I order 2off small plastic gears for a Aurora AS650C shreader
Mend jammed jam cleared

Schematic for Aurora AS650CM?

Jammed shredder, took off cover to expose teeth. Jam is cleared. Motor is fine for reverse, but will not shred... [Read more]
Mend paper running second

cleared shredder jam, now it won't turn on?

My Aurora 662c shredded had a paper jam. I cleared it by running it for a second but now it won't turn on. Is ... [Read more]
Mend buy plastic drive

Where can I buy gears for the Aurora AS650CM?

Aurora Shredder AS 650cm. Small plastic drive gear.
Mend machine apart appears lead

how can i fix aurora as800cd shredder?

having taken the machine apart it appears that a connection (white lead) has come apart
Mend model removed screws

fix an Aurora model AS800CD paper shredder?

I removed the five screws to remove the case but can't find what is still holding the case on so I can get to ... [Read more]
Mend aurora shredder turn

I have a Aurora AS602X?

I have am aurora AS602X document shredder that will not turn or or off, how can I fix it?
Mend help fitted bedroom

Bulbs not lasting?

HELP!! We have recessed spotlights fitted in our kitchen, hall and son's bedroom. They are Aurora AU-GUF 11/... [Read more]
Mend switch inside unit

Need help with safety switch inside paper shredder?

I have the Aurora AS662C paper shredder. I disassembled the unit to lubricate the internal gears and the safet... [Read more]
Mend plastic gear inside

Aurora AS1712X major paper jam, ?

the plastic gear inside striped, is there any way to buy a new gear, and if so where to get one?
Mend hold hello stopped working

Can I get hold of replacement cog?

Hello, I have a Aurora AS650C paper shredder, which has stopped working. The motor still runs, so I took shre... [Read more]
Pages 4321

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