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Mend Lighting

Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend > Lighting

Mend Switch Replaced Number

where can i obtain a dimmer switch?

My mother and child light blew a bulb so i replaced bulb but now the dimmer switch will not dim part number hy3360d where can i obtain

June 2013
Paul's the Man on this. I saw this article when I was looking for a replacement for my blown HY3660B dimmer and sent it to Paul for repair. It was back working within days! Great price and fantastic service! Would recommend Paul highly.

April 2017
I have found this forum to be a life saver many times but found hytec 3360d for my light at Came straight up in a google search.

August 2016
Just to add to the thread below, I can highly recommend Paul's service - he fully soak tests the units before returning them and is as good as his word! (Even provided photos and detailed rewiring instructions for an electrical novice like me!)

Mr R Coleman
January 2016
Hi Paul, Do you still repair HY-3360D switches ?

June 2015
Fraser ring me on 07514874120 and I will get your e mail address and send you details repair is £12 +return postage of £3 in UK

Paul ( Northern Ireland)
February 2015

I have a Hytec 3360C dimmer switch that is faulty. Can you advise if you can repair this switch and if so, what would be the cost and where should i send the switch. Thanks.

February 2015
If the Dimmer is an HY3660b send it to Paul in Northern Ireland and he will repair it good as new. That's what I did. Excellent service and real quick. You can definitely trust him, I did and he did a great job really quick. Fantastic value too. Thanks a million Paul. Very satisfied.

Karl from Hampshire
January 2015
Ken I can fix the unit or supply you a kit of parts to effect the repair yourself

December 2014
Hello what type of triac is used at this Hytec 3360D dimmer? I cannot see label of this triac.
Thanks a lot!

November 2014
I can repair these Hytec 3360 Dimmer Controls for £12 + return postage if you want to send it to me. Or if you feel confident with doing the electronic repair yourself, I can supply a kit of parts for £6.50 + carriage of £1, with instructions, but you will need a soldering iron, a drill to remove the Triac existing pop rivet to get the heat sink off and a pop rivet gun to rivet the heat sink back on after replacing the Triac.

Paul ( Northern Ireland ) 07514874120
August 2014
Replacment parts are not available for mother and child lamps. However i can do modifications to these lamps to get them going again

Rick Voce 0412 541 731
October 2013

September 2013
when a bulb blows the back emf can take out the thyristor in the dimmer,as peccavi has said,you wont get a dimmer to replace the fitted one,but,you can get an in-line dimmer you just fit to the mains cable on your light,it has either a slider control,or a small rotory switch,

June 2013
Ah! - It's just dawned on me...

It's not you mother and your child that wrecked the bulb - the bulb and the dimmer in your Mother-and-Child lamp have failed. Where can you get a replacement dimmer to fit?

I doubt you will.

A new lamp or arrange for an external dimmer I would guess. Ignore my previous - total rubbish.

Good luck...

June 2013
It is rare for a mother and grandchild to conspire to destroy a light bulb - light bulbs usually destroy themselves.

You can get a dimmer switch at most places that sell regular switches - electrical shops - DIY stores.

Be sure that you take note of all the lamps connected to that dimmer - add up their total Wattage.

The number on the switch has no special significance.

June 2013
Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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