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Mend Rover Cars

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Mend Rover

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We have 1872 questions about mending 'rover' in category Vehicles, Cars

How to mend ... Rover

Mend Vehicles, Cars

location of thermostat rover 45?

I have rover 45 year 2000. I need to locate the thermostat but my thermostat does not seem to be the same as s... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

how to change a clutch on a rover214 si?

i need to change a clucth on my rover and need a step bystep instructions
Mend rover started light


My rover 416 started overheating today there is light brown stuff coming out of the expansion tank and my oil ... [Read more]
Mend very low mileage

Very Low Mileage?

I have a Rover 416 a 1996 made, and is giving very low mileage, can you please tell me how can i imporve it?
Mend starting problem rover

starting problem rover 75?

My rover 75 diesel will sometimes turn over but not fire,normally when the engine is already is fine f... [Read more]
Mend rover reg help

Land Rover Freelander 1.8 petrol S Reg HELP????

My freelander 1.8 S reg sometimes decides not to start! It seems i have to wait about an hour before i can res... [Read more]
Mend heater working check

how can i fix heater thermostat on rover 214si?

if a heater is not working on a rover 214si how do you check the thermostat or put a new one in
Mend three times rover

My head gasget?

My head gasget has gone three times now on my Rover 216. I have skipped corners and got it done cheap for £16... [Read more]
Mend u head gasket

how do u repair a head gasket?

How do u repair a head gasket on a rover 214?
Mend check 10 mins

how can i fix my rover 216 coupe (1994)?

the 'check engine' light comes up on the dash after 10 mins driving. I assume its a sensor broken somewhere. ... [Read more]
Mend fine heater head

Rover 416I Fans working fine, but heater gives no heat???

On my rover 416I the head was recentley redone after 40k as there famous for and now runs perfect "ish" these ... [Read more]
Mend boot rover open

How do I fix my hydrolics of boot in Rover 214si?

The boot of the Rover 214si does not stay open and it is very heavy to hold open. Thank you
Mend screen washer 200

how can i fix rear screen washer rover 200?

how can i fix rear screen washer water gets pumped threw but when connected to pump wont sqirt onto screen but... [Read more]
Mend replace fan belt

How do I replace my Rover 400D FAN BELT?

I have a s reg rover 400 diesel turbo and the fan belt has broken. How do I replace it please
Mend Vehicles, Cars

where is the therostat located on a rover 414?

can you tell me where the thermostat is situated on a rover 414
Mend put petrol car

We have put petrol in our diesal car?

Can anyone give us some advice what to do with our Rover 75 Diesal car we have filled it with unleaded petrol,... [Read more]
Mend rover reset help


Hi can anyone help me with this one. I have got a rover 400 dti on a s reg plate and my key fob bat has just r... [Read more]
Mend car rover 2004

car, land rover, freelander, 2004, clutch?

Is it a hydraulic or cable clutch?
Mend running car accelerator

How can I fix the poor running of my Rover 45?

My car is a Rover 45 (16IL, Man.: 2001) and has got poor running (If you push the accelerator pedal in higher ... [Read more]
Mend handbrake cable adjust

handbrake cable adjustment on rover 75?

how to adjust handbrake cable on rover 75

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