Recent: Siemens transmitter error?

Mend White Knight Tumble Dryers

Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend White Knight

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We have 1110 questions about mending 'white knight' in category Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers

How to mend ... White Knight

Mend white knight dryer help

White Knight reverseTumble Dryer Model C44AW. Need help PLEASE!?

I put in my washing pressed start and nothing happened. I checked the start switch and it didn't work so I bou... [Read more]
Mend replace drum tumble dryer

how can i replace drum bearing white knight 42WV?

white knight 42wv tumble dryer
Mend white knight condenser

How can i fix my white knight condenser B96G8w ?

Work but no heat error E2 heater faulty Can i reset ? And how? Other trik please? Many thx
Mend drum button white

The drum isn't turning when start button pushed?

White knight 44aw tumble dryer
Mend full came fla

White knight dryer. I let the bottle get full and the light came on and fla?

My dryer is 1 week old and said bottle full so I emptied it and when I replaced it it worked for 1 minute but ... [Read more]
Mend replace timer dryer

Replace a timer clockwork?

How to connect wires to a white knight timer clockwork, type 702796791, dryer model cl372wv
Mend white knight 44aw

White Knight 44aw?

Yesterday my tumble dryer kept going, when I looked I notice the timer was stuck on 20 minutes and wasn't movi... [Read more]
Mend fuse time turn

Whiute Knight 44AW Tumble Dryer Trips fuse?

Every time I turn on my White Knight 44AW tumble Drier it trips the fuse after about half a minute. Have cha... [Read more]
Mend loud white dryer

Loud noise on white knight 77aw condenser dryer.. not bearing?

Hi Really need some help. We have had the bearing changed and still sounds like a tank!! Sounds to be coming ... [Read more]
Mend old white dryer

old (20yrs) White Knight dryer?

The machine is not drying loads properly. Had back off looked at element when machine on. Does the whole ele... [Read more]
Mend eco making noise

My white knight eco 43w ?

My gas tumble dryer is making a knocking noise??
Mend white tumble drier

Broken drum plastic struts?

The plastic struts in the drum of white knight tumble drier are breaking leaving sharp edges which tear the cl... [Read more]
Mend knight tumble timer

White knight tumble dryer 3kg?

Intermittent fault timer switches off sometimes but staying on other
Mend working heating white

tumbledryer working but not heating up ?

my white knight 44aw is working but not heating up what to do
Mend tumble start button pressed

tumble dryer start button wont stay in when pressed?

My white knight 767c tumble dryer will run as long as someone is pushing on the button but as soon as you take... [Read more]
Mend white tumble turn

My white knight tumble drier model 38aw wont turn on?

My white knight tumble drier model 38aw wont turn on
Mend change white knight tumble dryer

How to change belt on white knight 38aw tumble dryer?

The belt has snapped on my tumble dryer. I have a replacemeny but how do i fit it.
Mend problem low high

white knight dryer problem?

White knight dryer only giving low heat on high setting and no heat on low setting??
Mend turn replaced fuse

How can I fix white knight tumbler 37aw?

Turn the dryer on nothing happens other than the ticking of the timer. I've replaced the fuse but still nothin... [Read more]
Mend white knight tumble dryer

How to fix white knight tumble dryer?

The switch strike broke off but since replacing it doesn't start at all???

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