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Mend Indesit Tumble Dryers

Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Indesit

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We have 733 questions about mending 'indesit' in category Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers

How to mend ... Indesit

Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers

IDV75 tumble dryer?

how do you stretch a new tumble dryer belt for IDV75UK indesit tumble dryer
Mend dryer replace wires

Indesit tumble dryer?

I have had to replace a timer on my indesit tumble dryer but stupidly forgot what wires went where. Anyone kno... [Read more]
Mend timer indesit dryer

Timer Wiring for Indesit IDV75 Tumble Dryer?

I need a wiring details/diagram for an Indesit IDV75 UK tumble dryer
Mend tumble dryer drum change

Belt slips of Pully?

Have put new belt on Indesit tumble dryer but when drum stops to change direction it slips of the pully. Why i... [Read more]
Mend tumble years works

My Indesit tumble dryer IDC 8T3 doesn't heat up ?

Tumble dryer is 2 years old and works except that it doesn't heat up and red light is on.i regularly clean fil... [Read more]
Mend indesit condenser fine

indesit condenser I think IS70c?

Dryer tumbling nicely .i.e. no fine when I took laundry out after 1hr wet and cold no manual so nee... [Read more]
Mend tumble dryer find

Indesit IS60V tumble dryer tripping electric?

Hi, does anyone have any ideas how to find out why my indesit tumble dryer is tripping the electrics but not b... [Read more]
Mend indesit water light heating

My indesit model idc8t3b water light stays on and no heat?

My Indesit model idc t3b water light stays on and it will not heating up why
Mend button condenser dryer


Hi, can you tell me where the reset button is on the indesit idc85 condenser tumble dryer pleasew
Mend door stay shut

Washer/drier Indesit APM8620 door?

The door on my APM 8620 washer/drier will not stay shut
Mend wheel side change

Indesit tensioner wheel broken?

I have just taken the side off my dryer and saw that the belt is fine but the tensioner plastic wheel is broke... [Read more]
Mend heat indesit works

how can i get my tumbledryer to heat up it spins but doesnt heat up ?

I have indesit idc85 tumbledryer it still works as in spinning but it does not heat up can i repair it myself ... [Read more]
Mend tumble dryer heating

my indesit idc85 tumble dryer has stopped heating?

my indesit conderser tumble dryer has stopped heating how do i fix it please

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