Recent: Daf cf 85?

Mend Baths and Showers

Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers find out how to mend just about anything.

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Mend Mira Mend Triton

Mend Shower Pressure Trickle

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We have 10 questions about mending 'shower pressure trickle' in category Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers which have been answered

How to mend ... Shower Pressure Trickle

Mend se hot problems

Gainsborough 8.5 se hot/ cold water problems ?

My shower only seems to be running scolding hot at a trickle then will be cold with a bit more pressure, recen... [Read more]
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers

xpressions 500s?

Hi please can someone tell me how to fix my redring shower as it's gone from working normally with decent pres... [Read more]
Mend shower pressure trickle

mira select shower?

Hi I have 2 mira select showers in my house they are 9yrs old now. recently both seem to have lost pressure an... [Read more]
Mend pressure ideas bar house

Triton Madrid II 8.5Kw Low pressure output?

Any ideas? I have 3 bar of pressure in the house water supply, with the shower on the cold setting and on numb... [Read more]
Mend water fine kitchen

Shower water feed keeps stopping?

I have a shower cubical and until rececntly the water ran fine. I had a mixertap replaced in the kitchen and e... [Read more]
Mend low pressure problem

Low pressure problem?

I'm having low pressure problems with my faithful Mira Sports shower which is now about 14yrs old. I get the ... [Read more]
Mend electric shower water

How can I fix my Gainsborough 10.5 SCL Electric Shower?

I have a Gainsborough 10.5 SCL electric shower that has suddenly given up spraying water except a trickle. On ... [Read more]
Mend gainsborough running hot shower

Gainsborough 8.5 scl running hot, dribble?

My shower has seemingly for no reason broken. It's been fine up until this morning when the flow out of the he... [Read more]
Mend please help water pressure


I have a triton t80i shower that is 3 months old for the first 2 mpnths the shower has worked fine. Just rece... [Read more]
Mend mira shower cool

Very low pessure generally both on hot and especially cold?

MIRA EVENT power shower very low power generally at cool setting barely a trickle ,the hotter the setting the ... [Read more]

How to mend ...

Mend Mira Mend Triton

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