My Logik TV (RC-AC07) just diplays a plain blue screen when swithced on - n?
logik tv doesn't detect scart input?
I need a remote for Logik TV LCXW37HDI?
what is wrong with my logik t.v?
lk-c40f78 signal is there but no picture ?
Remote for Logik LK-C40F78?
logik tv isn't working properly screenis flashing red green
Can standby mode be disabled on logik tv`s?
logik LCXW32HD1 television?
where can I get a power supply board for a logik 50 plasma?
When watching tv on my logik l22fe12 a sound comes on telling you what is h?
logik tv/dvd cannot find freeview channels?
i can't load DVD in my new logik tv?
logik 54 cm lock use rs17 remote?
How can I fix my TV model No L17LID648 remote control?