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Mend Notebooks/Laptop PCs

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Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

difference betwn satelite laptop & non satelite?

interested in purchasing laptop what is the difference betwn a satelite notebook and a non satelite notebook, also what is built-in wireless b/g & next-gen wireless n+a/b/g and which is better. Thank you

August 2007
If you mean the Toshiba brands, that's what they are brands. Try looking at

See my other answer about 802.11a/b/g.

802.11n is even faster but has not been ratified by the IEEE. Expected Oct 2008. Which means if you buy 802.11n now it may not interoperate in the future. However as long as what you buy can do 802.11g you'll be OK.

August 2007
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