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Mend Toyota Sewing Machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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Mend > Sewing Machines

Mend Toyota Machine Switched Started

How can I fix my sewing machine which startd to smoke?

My Toyota sewing machine was plugged in but switched off at the machine, then fizzled and started to smoke - has anyone any ideas what this could be due to?

Fiona Rycroft
July 2007
Hello Fiona,
Which part started to smoke, was it from the machine ? from the foot control ? or near the light ?
e-mail me or start a new question so I can answer the new one.
July 2007
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
Click here to mend Toyota sewing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
Click here to mend Toyota sewing machines