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Mend Electrolux Epic Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend Electrolux Epic Service Case Open

electrolux epic self service ?

I can't believe that the case could be so devious, it's an electrolux canister, about 8 years ols. Anyone know the trick to open this thing for service? Thanks in advance !

May 2004
I think I'll keep using my oroginal screw-fastened metal tank. I agree with Chelsea. Devious doesn't even come close to the design of this thing! How to truly describe it would not be suitable for the mixed company of this board. Getting it apart was only about 1/4 of the problem. I was repairing a friend's Epic vacuum---it was in a flood---put in a replacement motor (used, but serviceable), tried to put it together and that's where the frustration set in. Nothing stayed where it was placed to facilitate reassembly. The door to the bag compartment kept shifting out of its hinges/anchors. The spring for the safety interlock fell out, as did the interlock (circuit breaker) itself. There simply was nothing to stabilize it. The bag compartment was totally unsupported by any structural element inside the cleaner. The internal tubing to the control valve from the bag compartment was too short and kept disconnecting---an extra couple of inches might have helped. The body was flimsy PLASTIC! I thought I could use the attachments for spares on my old, reliable 1205, but all of the fittings were reversed and the contacts were weirdly set far apart on everything, including the hose. NOTHING matched the old machine. When I finally got it back together, it still didn't work---UGH! BTW---when I spoke with the local Electrolux salesperson/repairer and bought my new hose last year, he said they went back to the original fittings and contacts as on the old turquoise metal "clunker."

Adina Hirschmann, Proprietor: The Original Partners in Grime, Bergen County, New Jersey
May 2007
Sorry Chelsea - my mistake - hats off to YOU!!

April 2005
Indeed, THE MOST DEVIOUS case design I've seen, and I can usually figure out how to take most anything apart (of course getting it back together is another matter). I would just add that if the macine is years old, the side rails will be VERY stubborn, so if you spray a small amount of silicon lubricant (like Armorall) into the track this will help. I got mine free by first doing this, then grabbing the track firmly with a good pair od needle nose pliers, and pulling while placing both feet against the body of the machine.

Also, when separating the two halves, be carefuk of the bottoom piece, as there are twi small plastic tabs that secure it in place at the front of the machine. If you separate it from the rear first, and then pull the bottom piece back at an angle you can avoid damage to the tabs.

Anyway, hats off to Steve for solving this puzzle!!

April 2005
Devious doesn't begin to describe it! There are NO screws. The thing that's holding the case together is those long bumper strips along the sides. Open the front (where you put the bag), grasp the side rails and pull toward the front. Gently but firmly, if yours are as old and stuck as mine were. When you get them both off, you can gently pry the case apart. Watch for the wire connecting to the on/off switch. When you put them back together, make sure the motor et al slide into whatever grooves are there to guide them. Don't push the halves of the canister too far together, no yet allow them to drift too far's a delicate pain inthe tousch, but it works. You'll notice there are some prohibitive bumps when you start trying to push it in. Start it at a bit of an angle... You'll get it!

August 2004
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Free repair help for Electrolux Epic vacuum cleaners

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