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Mend Craftsman Lawn Mowers

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Mend Craftsman Dies Fuel Pump

craftsman lawnmower 917.377543 starts but dies?

Hi all. My lawnmower starts up but dies...I am guessing as soon as the fuel I pump in with the little ignition pump thing gets burned off. I replaced the air filter and no help - and when I squirt some gas on the air filter it runs a little longer and then dies. Seems like a fuel system issue, but not sure where to go and dont have schematics or anything. Anyone have any thoughts about what I can do myself before I take it to someone else for repairs?

dave nix
May 2007
Ok I had this sort of problem too, followed by another. It starts up but then would idle sort of back and forth at a very low speed, then die (within 30 seconds). Pushing the fuel bulb before it would die would make it rev up for a second or two, then die again.I took off the spring and throttle link, cleaned that whole inside area in and around throttle adjustment out real nice, then put it all back on. now it will start right up and run at the highest possible RPM (sounds like it will blow the H$%L up!)and I can't get it adjusted back down. So somewhere in between I've tweaked SOMETHING in the completely other direction. Just can't figure out what.

May 2012
Check the primer button to see if there is a crack in the seam. May be losing compression causing the carb to get too much air.

July 2008
I was having the same problem with my sears riding mower. I finally took it to the shop. Turns out the push rod on the front of the engine was loose. It was easily fixed by the repairman but I wouldn't advise to do it yourself unless you have some knowledge of this part of your mower. I hope this helps someone.

Earnie Thomas
June 2008
just fixed the same problem.
buy a can of carb cleaner at the auto store/ remove the carb/ carefully open the silver fuel resevoir(looks like little silver can) by loosening the brass bolt on the bottom/open carefully as there is a thing called a float valve in there ...the float looks like a brass doghnut and it presses down on a tiny spring and square bit of metal (this is the valve) it is probably stuck...and squirting carb cleaner on it and working the float will free it clean off the two circular filters near the valve(made of nylon) so use a brush and be gentle. more spray to flush any smorg from the filter surfaces or cup. /spray inside the carb tunnel (venturi)/ carefull to get the cup on the big rubber seal evenly seated/ put back brass bolt/ tighten/bolt the carb back on to engine/ reconnect gas/ prime/ and it will work. you can check your work by blowing into the gas input tube...with the float valve engaged no air will pass/ when you move the donut the valve will pop open and air will easily flow thru the gas channels....of course do this test when the carb is careful you are working with gasoline and a little on your clothes goes a long way towards putting you in the burn unit so NO SMOKING AND CLEAN UP/GET RID OF ALL RAGS WITH CLEANER OR GAS

May 2007
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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