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Mend Bosch Drills

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Mend Bosch

How can I fix the the jammed chug in my Bosch electric drill?

I have a press and lock Bosch PSB 16 Res 600w power drill. Someone tried to insert a masonry drill bit without using the press and lock function - using the drilling mechanism instead - and now the drill 'chug' (the bit that holds the drill bit in place) has jammed in the outright position. How can I fix it? Are there drill fixing shops?

Katie Matheson
April 2007
Mine did this (when on loan to a friend, typically) and I just managed to fix it. I used a 6 inch G-Clamp to hold the lock button down tight, and mole grips to turn the chuck. I'd given it a spray with WD40 too, so that might have helped.

It seems to be OK now.

Mike H
February 2008
mine jammed shut, used a vice to open it but its made a right mess of the outside of the chuck, 44 quid to replace it, the drills are only 60 quid!

Just out of guarantee?
Buy a new one - take the old one back a couple of months later and insist on a refund.
Flog the new one on Ebay and use the refund and ebay money to buy a better drill.

If anyone asks
You aint seen me, right!

December 2007
I have the same problem with a one year old Bosch PSB 650 RES. I've looked inside the chuck but there is nothing visible that is jamming it. It seems that it is just jammed competely open. A replacement chuck is £44 - a ridiculous amount. For me, the answer is to go back to "Black & Decker" - my previous drill had lasted 20 years!

John Veasey
June 2007
i had the same problem with mine to correct it i had a look inside the chuck 'chug' as you say.. between the 'jaws ' of this i seen a screw which is part of the drill it became loose an had worked its way between the jaws try tightening it back down release the jaws first

steven g
May 2007
Mend Power Tools, Drills
Mend repair fix Bosch drills

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Mend Power Tools, Drills
Mend repair fix Bosch drills