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Mend Hoover Washing Machines

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Mend Hoover Washing Machine Starts

How can I fix my Hoover AM110 Six washing machine?

My Hoover AM100 Six has developed a fault. On any wash programme, it starts and fills with water then the programme just stops (drum does not turn at all and programme does not advance. But you can hear relays 'clicking' on the control board) - even if you advance the programme with the control knob nothing happens. If you try a rinse cycle, it keeps pumping out the water but doesn't actually spin or advance the programme.
I cannot see any burnt components on the control board.
Any ideas?

January 2007
my washer is washing and spinning but not rinsing

judith gunson
August 2013
Is it possible if you leave it long enough that the program advances but appears to do nothing but fill and empty ?

My guess is that the motor is not turning the drum.
Possible causes could be;
1. Elastic Band has come off the motor/drum
2. Motor cable has become unplugged
3. Motor Brushes and/or Faulty Motor
4. Faulty controller

No. 2 is the most probable. Push the plug back into the motor and fix it securely with an elastic band.

July 2008

May 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Hoover washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Hoover washing machines