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Mend Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Powder Opening Dishwasher

Powder release cover not opening during cycle 918td f&p dishwasher?

Our f&p 918 td dishwasher has taken to not releasing the powder during its cycle Can anyone advise what i can do to prompt release of the powder.
My partner tells me the cover should flick open during the cycle

August 2017
First check if the water is heating. Put it on fast wash cycle & water should heat on first wash. On normal wash the first wash is cold then after drain & refill for 2nd wash it heats. The soap flap does not open until water reaches 30 deg C. If water is heating then there is either a fault with the opening mechanism on the dispenser or a fault with the control board.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
August 2017
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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