15 mins ago: How can I mend my SL compact alarm?

Mend Tablet PCs

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Mend > Tablet PCs

Mend Three Hours Wallpaper

hudl 2?

infoapp scanned a document. went out to builders merchant, came back. Three hours later found

home page wallpaper changed to siluettes in tent
lost cloud ES file app so all gone photos docs
being asked to creare acconts as rhough it self factory reset. if this was what it does its no woner Tesco ditched them

August 2016
self sorted
completely powerd down removed 32gb micro card left it on top up charge this seems to have kicked arse and got home page of late pet photo background back only few files and one app missing.

August 2016
Mend Computers, Tablet PCs
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Mend Computers, Tablet PCs
Find out how to mend tablet pcs