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Mend Computers, Tablet PCs

Hudl2 gallery?

I have a collection of art tuition video’s of various ‘wet on wet’ oil painting artists . I made folders on my PC naming each by artist. Each folder has four video’s. I load one of six folders on to the hudl2 and checked the gallery hoping the name artist folder would be showing then click the folder to see the four video’s…! the artist folder shows with name and four video’s at the side of the artists folder, not in it.
The Idea is to just see in Gallery the artist’s folder and click on the artist’s folder to view the video’s. I’ve tried putting each of the four video’s in to its own folder with in the artist folder each being named by its subject that’s fine all named but again all outside the artists folder when I check the Hudl2 gallery…any idea’s what I am doing wrong.
Many thanks

November 2015
.Ok ‘Its your decision’
Folder created on my PC then transferred to the hudl. Its still not working showing all videos in blocks of 4 relating to the main Art folder.

I think because it’s a photo storage album it will automatically open a folder containing a photo or video hence it first opens Art 1 ( not a visible action) revealing four video's out of their folder so the hudl album opens folders (unseen action) to reveal the photos/video's
I now think I'm asking too much of the hudl to be as tidy as 'My Pictures' on the PC where the folders are 'closed' until you click them.
Many thanks to you both for your time and input

November 2015
Then RENAME each file so that you know what it is before you select it - imagine yourself to be a librarian - would you have books on the shelves with no name on the spine?

At the higher level RENAME the folders if necessary - the structure you use is down to you - and you can put folders inside folders like this....


It's your decision...
November 2015
Thanks B.G. Hopefully you'll read this.

but the problem is I don't get to select a tutors folder as each folder is already open and a total of 32 videos are showing albeit side by side so counting to video 5 you know its the next tutor but until you start the video you don't know which artist/tutor it is.

Perhaps I'm asking too much of the hudl2 software to just show the tutor folders leaving me to select which tutors video/s I want to see.

November 2015
You are doing nothing wrong - what you experience is normal.

When you select a folder the contents expand to the right so that you may then select the particular file you want.

The individual files are still in the folder - they just appear separately as the contents of the folder for your convenience.

It's called a hierarchical tree structure

Bill Gates...
November 2015
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