This answer was authored by Davis Steele on
Removing old fuel line/disassembly :-
Empty petrol tank
Use a hooked/bent piece of wire or similar to get fuel line and filter out of petrol tank filler hole
Remove fuel filter from end of fuel line
Remove air filter housing
Remove choke control/ plate from carburettor
Ease old fuel line from carb. inlet. And clean inlet tube if necessary
Gently but firmly pull old fuel line through hole in base of tank
Fitting new fuel line:-
the new fuel line has too big a diameter to fit through the hole in the base of the fuel tank.
To get round this I heated the end of the tube with a lit match (but a blow torch or gas ring would do) until it was soft enough to fashion into a point- take great care the plastic obviously gets very hot and could burn ***** flesh. The tapered end you form should be at least 1cm long. Allow to cool
Trim off the end of the tapered point if necessary
My next problem was to get the tapered end through the tiny hole inside the fuel tank. To help with this I took the innards out of a standard biro then put the fuel line through the empty tube with the tapered end projecting from where the ballpoint used to be. Push the tapered end through the hole inside the tank.(a torch was useful here to help see inside the tank)
Pull the fuel line through from below the tank until you have enough to push on to the fuel inlet on the carb.
Cut the tapered end off the tube and push onto the fuel inlet .
Cut the other end of the tube so there is enough length to reach all parts of the fuel tank.
Attach fuel filter and push it into petrol tank
Refit choke plate and air filter housing
June 2023