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Mend Zanussi Electric Cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix Zanussi electric cookers

Mend > Electric Cookers

Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers

how to reset after a powercut?

I am unable to operate my Zanussi built in fan oven after a power cut. The display is flashing 00.00 auto
there are 4 buttons under the display and a dial for + and -
One of the buttons has a hand symbol

Paulette Moyle
August 2015
My oven is similar - I depress and hold the two leftmost buttons and use plus and minus to set the time - any time will do.

Good Luck...
August 2015

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix Zanussi electric cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix Zanussi electric cookers