Are there any household glues which are heat resistant? I need to glue a handle back on to an air fryer. I have tried Gorilla Glue, Super Glue and No More Nails. The heat loosens these glue.
If the only answer is a specialist one £10-15 etc, I will replace my air fryer.
I just saw this. Any use?
Otherwise I agree, you seem SOL as spares don't seem to be available.
February 2025
It is a Tower T17088. No spares available now from Tower, which is why I want to glue it back. Had it so long I don't want to spend any money on it. I'd rather save for a new one.
L Markle
February 2025
What make and model air fryer? Some makes are reasonably well supported for spares, others.... Not so well.