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Mend > Satellite Receivers

Mend Video, Satellite Receivers

eurovox ex5000?

eurovox ex5000 .. Does this box need to be conected to cable to tune into freeview channals.. or does it tune through a stadard arial..??? will it recieve/record freeview without cable contract .. Like a standard freeview recorder.. MANY THANKS .. JJVODKA....

June 2013
You can tell whether your box needs an antenna (aerial) or a cable connection by looking at the input socket. If it is of the push-in type then it takes an antenna. If it is screw-in type then it is probably cable.

If it is the latter it will not be able to receive Freeview because the Freeview service is via an antenna.

As to whether it can receive anything you need to suck it and see. What it will NOT be able to do is receive encrypted cable services.

June 2013
Mend Video, Satellite Receivers
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Mend Video, Satellite Receivers
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