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Mend Hoover Tumble Dryers

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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend Hoover Anyone 6 Drier

Can anyone help with a Hoover Maxi 6 Tumble Drier?

I have a Hoover Maxi 6 Drier about 3 years old - no problems till now. We moved it out of the garage into the new utility room and now there`s an almighty clunking sound when the drum is turning. It sounds different when it`s doing the reverse tumble but still sounds like we`re bringing up oil with one of those great mechanical contraptions you see in the USA!
I`ve taken it apart as far as I can but the back section is sealed and I can`t get to the drum from the bottom or front.
Can anyone help?

Jane Barber
October 2006
Undo the back cover it may be that the fan is loose,it was on mine. A poor design means the the cheap retaing clip wears.

Graham Duggan
April 2010

I just said I would add my two cents.
Look at the back of the dryer and you will see three rivets or screws. If you see cracks then the rear bearing has failed. To check what you do is reach in and see if you can lift the drum at its furthest with your arm. It may need strength-ish to do this - It shouod not move in anyway. If your rear bearing is loose then you need to fit a new one and yes this is a common problem and if you check your rear vent its probably crumpled. This may lead to overheating and rear bearing failure although will hoover admit it... i dont know.

October 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hoover tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hoover tumble dryers