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Mend G3 Home Alarm Systems

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Mend G3 Alarm House Reprogramme

galaxy g3 alarm?

my new house has a adt galaxy alarm,previous owner left no codes,so I tried to reprogramme it.Apparently it needs the engineering code for this process,the codes in the install manual don't work..I have been led to believe,that adt install their own software.Hence none of the codes in the manual don't work any ideas please ps there's a line fault on the alarm too.thanks

February 2012
Well give the right answers then :D

Name No Less
February 2012
Where`s this going, and why would I want to post my own questions?

Doesn't make any sense, surely I would know the answer,don't ya think.

This is a question/answer site..not a discussion forum,time to treat it as such,don't ya think.

no name
February 2012
No time for the truth?
Take a G3-144/520 for example Aunty defaults in panel, but codes default to Galaxy, however certain things saty Aunty and need changing.

What do you do again?

February 2012
funny guy :D

Ain't got the patience nor the time for that.

no name
February 2012
what a load of tosh!!! the df codes are printed in the manual..1234.

pit bull
February 2012
So ADT have not got software chanes in the panels?

What a sheltered life you lead.

Are you writng these questions yourself?
Does seem a bit strange here recently.

February 2012
ADT don't use their own software,they only change the default codes.

This is to stop what you are asking possible,you need to contact ADT and find out if the alarm still belongs to them,or the previous owner has purchased it.

If the owner has purchased the alarm, they will not give you the required code.

They will only be interested in selling you a monitoring contract,or charging you a stupid amount of money to decommision it.

If the previous owner has purchased this alarm there's nothing to stop you finding another alarm company to take it over.

The line fault is a coms/line failure as this is the monitoring service which has been terminated.

Get an engineer in he can crash it and restore factory defaults and deactivate the coms,all for a fee of course.

no name
February 2012
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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