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Mend LDV Filter Pump Main


changed diesel filter both diesel pumps ( lift pump and main injector pump )and injectors, checked all the pipes and still when driving at high speeds the van cuts out then requires bleeding up again. Doesnt happen at low speeds..totally lost now??? Any ideas please

November 2011
thanks guys shall try these 1st..if fails shall input some more info Thanks again

November 2011
sounds like there may be something in tank that is intermittently blocking off outlet pipe, when high speed the fuel will enter pipe a lot quicker and take foreign matter with it,but when at slow speed it wont show the same.[had this once on a pilot and it turned out to be a piece of crisp bag-which i thought would have floated on top but it sank to bottom.] still dont know what ldv you have! but you may have to take tank off and clean it out.

November 2011
Has to be drawing air somewhere, or it may be creating too much vacuum in the tank. |s there any suction when you take the fuel cap off immediately after a run?

November 2011
ldv what? what year, what engine we arn't mind readers!

November 2011
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