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Mend Tecumseh Lawn Mowers

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Mend Tecumseh

I cannot get a spark on my tiller eng?

I purchased a used mini tiller,(Tecumseh TC200, 2102C (B) 5052G, 1.6hp eng.) which looks in great shape. I would say it has not been used over four or five times.
I tried to start it , but to no avail. no spark. I removed the cover and the coil was slightly rusted, cleaned and replaced it. I also cleaned and replaced the plug, and removed the kill wire (just in case) still no spark.
My only thoughts are a bad plug or a bad coil?
Any suggestions?
Also how much spinning of the fly wheel is required to get an adequate spark?

Robert S.
May 2011
Thanks Phil,
I reset the gap for the coil and fly wheel, I then gave it a strong spin and behold a spark.
Many thanks, for your advise.

May 2011
First off, try a NEW plug. Even if it looks good, it can still be duff.

Second, check the coil. Is there a purple band around the HT wire near the coil end? If there is, it's a 'ground to go' coil. There aren't many of these around, but there are a few. If that's not it, you have a duff coil. This is NOT a common fault on this particular engine, BUT the last TC200 was built a good few years ago, so I suppose it's possible that moisture has seeped in and shorted it.

The engine needs about 400 RPM to produce a decent spark - officially. In practice, it doesn't need a lot - a half- hearted pull of the string will easily do it. I've accidentally started a Flymo fitted with a TC300 whilst changing the blade - simply by rotating the crank with an impact driver (130 RPM on a good day!).


Phil Saunders
May 2011
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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