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Mend Samsung Rs21dcns Fridge Secondly

samsung rs21dcns ?

Last week I cleaned out my fridge and have had nothing but problems with is since.
First them water stopped working.
Secondly the temperature would not go below 10
I defrosted it as I'd found that the water had frozen in the back of the fridge.
The temperature then took 3 days to get back down to the correct temp.
Now it is making the most awful noise which stops when you open the door and my fridge stinks!
Do you think I am going to have to replace the deodoriser and the fan?
Also how long is the water filter supposed to last for?
I have been waiting for the lights to come on and tell me when it needs changing but am now concerned that, that might not be working either.
Any help greatly appreciated

March 2011
samsung fridge freezer problems ?


i hope this post helps you save a lot of time by not messing about trying all the weird and wonderfull help/tips that you can find on the internet

we have tried every help/tip thats availabale on the internet reguarding this problem - but you cant solve this without replacing faulty parts ... yes you can keep appliance working for another month by defrosting it but this is only really delaying problem ..

we came across this guy on you tube who is an expert on samsung fridge freezers he is authorized samsung repairer and has repaired over 3000 appliances..

we explained what we have tried so far etc , and he said everyone says the same thing ..bottom line is there is no quick fix - the only way to totaly cure fault is to replace the faulty components .. he does a kit which is available on ebay ...

RS21 KIT Item number: 280596204942

RSH1 KIT Item number: 280583238579

these are the cheapest that i can find , when we bought kit it was a good £30 cheaper than anywhere else

with this guy your not just buying spares they offer full back service via the samsung trained engineers all free of charge -

video on how to fit part etc also with kit

if you check this guy feed back you will see how may people he has helped ...

he tel no is below most of the youtube videos so i dont think he will mind me putting on here ..

samsung repairs - spares - advice

tel 07407 734 204

March 2011
Thank you so much for that.
I decided to try Samsung as couldn't understand any of it and apparently we should have had a safety upgrade in the last 2 years and because we haven't that is why this has happened. An engineer is booked in for tomorrow.
Very pleased

March 2011
The noise you get that stops when you open the door is the fan unit in the fridge, It freezes up, the fan blade catches the ice. (I think you have very similar to me, I have an rs21j something, side by side FF with water cooler). The problem is caused by the defrost heater not working, IF IT IS under 5 yrs old, Contact Samsung, they extended the guarantee period for this fault, They have an updated fan unit plate, and elements, plus other bits. Other wise you will probably need to get a new defrost thermistor, at the least. possibly a new defrost element, unfortunately the defrost element is only supplied with the fridge side evaporator unit, YOU do NOT need to replace the evaporator, besides you cannot by your self, special equipment, and person MUST be F-Gas qualified. But the heater element can be replaced quite easy, (Bit fidly But) Thermistor is located low down on the element in the back of fridge, They are all plug in bits. The rear inside plate needs to be removed 6 screws, If you have a seperate cool box in the fridge, that needs to come out 1st Use a test meter to check resistance, probably open cct. if so replace it, a few £, If that is ok, Well. New evap section with element, about £80. Again meter out 1st, another symptom, depends on your house wiring, trips would drop out, Fuses would not necesarily blow.

March 2011
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix Samsung freezers

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