Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Manual Bought Years

I'd like to get hold of a manual for my Webb mower?

I bought my Webb cylinder mower (used) about 20 years ago but I haven't used it for about 10 years (moved house - smaller garden). I'd like to get it going again but I need a manual to help with what does what and what goes where.
I don't know the proper name for the mower but it is a 24ins cut and I think it has a 5hp Briggs & Strattan engine. (The engine might be smaller but the details on it are illegible.

December 2010
Thanks Greybeard - Yes, I tried but Webb is not included in their list.

December 2010
did you try ""

December 2010
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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