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Mend Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend > Vacuum Cleaners

Mend Electrolux Canister Bag

How do you take apart an Electrolux Canister Vacume Legacy model C135C?

I have an Electrolux Legacy canister Vacume and the bag light comes on and shuts off the machine as soon as you connect the hose. I need to take it apart to inspect the full back sensor. I can't seem to get the bumpers off the sides. Is there a trick to this?

September 2010
That was a good explanation,What is really a doozie is if you need to open the plastic motor housing inside the machine to replace the VM3 motor these 4 clips that hold the 2 halfs together are a real puzzle I hope to figure out so I can change the motor out

February 2018
The question: How do you take apart an Electrolux Canister Vacume Legacy model C135C?
Your answer: Mike, you can by pass the automatic shutoff without opening the machine.

Stand the vacuum up on end, open the bag door and remove the bag.

Look on the right hand side of the bag holder, you will see a small hole. This is where the sensor check for a full bag.

Block this hole with a piece of duct tape, or similar. Make sure that it is fully blocked.
This will disable automatic operation.

You can also do this more permanently by opening up the vacuum and removing the hose that is connected to this hole.

Mike, there is a word of warning here.....the motor in your vacuum costs upwards of $180.00 to replace. The reason it is still running well is the automatic feature you are disabling protects the motor from over heating.
You will run the risk of destroying the motor in this fine machine. So be careful, when the suction at the hose is reduced the ventilation of the motor also decreases, since it is the air coming into the hose that cools all vacuum motors.

If you want to open the machine, the two bumpers on either side, that say ELECTROUX hold the egg shell case together. This is the process....

1. remove the bag, leave the bag cover open
2. lay the vacuum on its side on the floor with the bag cover to your right hand side.
3. place a large flat blade screw driver blade flat against the bumper on the opposite end from the bag cover, near the cordwinder cover, strike the screw driver FIRMLY with a hammer, this will unlock the bumper and it will slide off toward the bag end of the machine. If it seems stuck spray WD40 along the bumber edges, this will not harm the machine.
4. turn the vacuum onto the other side, and follow the same process.
5. after both bumpers are removed you can get into the vacuum by laying the machine with the on-off switch against the floor, the wheels facing upwards.
6. grab both side of the upper case near the cord winder and spread them apart and lift upwards.
this will release the case from the works inside.

September 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Electrolux vacuum cleaners

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Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Electrolux vacuum cleaners